Dental Fillings

What are Dental Fillings?

Dental fillings are artificial restorations commonly used to restore damaged teeth to their original function and appearance. Tooth fillings are necessary when cavities form due to tooth decay or tooth fractures. However, the need for dental fillings does not necessarily mean waiting for a visible hole to develop. There may be early signs indicating the need for a tooth filling, such as sensitivity to cold or sweet food, persistent toothaches, or frequent food getting stuck in between your teeth.During the procedure, your dentist removes the decayed portion of the tooth, cleans the damaged area, and then fills the cleaned cavity with filling material.

Dental Fillings

Do I Need a Dental Filling?

Dental Fillings

Treatment Procedure

Our expert team will seamlessly repair cavities and improve tooth strength, leaving you with a confident, pain-free smile. Trust us to rejuvenate your dental health and restore your natural beauty.

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