Dental Implants

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants serve as a permanent solution for replacing missing teeth and offer a favorable alternative to dentures or dental bridges. Designed to closely mimic natural teeth, they provide a comfortable fit, unlike other methods of tooth replacement. Designed to function as a natural tooth root, dental implants provide a permanent means of replacing missing teeth. Resembling small screws, they form a sturdy base upon which an artificial tooth is anchored. Typically crafted from titanium, dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone. Opting for dental implants offers distinct advantages compared to alternative teeth replacement methods. Unlike removable bridges or dentures, dental implants do not rely on neighboring teeth for support and do not require replacement over time. Additionally, implants contribute to the strengthening of the existing jawbone. These implants are typically crafted from materials like titanium or ceramic.

Dental Implants

Do I Need Dental Implants?

Dental implants may be the ideal solution for you if you have missing teeth or are experiencing discomfort from loose dentures or a dental bridge.

1.If you have any missing, decaying, or unstable teeth, it could lead to significant dental issues in the future. These problems can include gum recession and alterations in your facial structure.

2.Your missing teeth are impacting your ability to chew properly. This not only prevents you from enjoying your favorite foods, but it could also lead to indigestion or difficulty in breaking down food into smaller pieces for chewing.

3.Your missing teeth are having an impact on your ability to pronounce words correctly, leading to speech difficulties. This hindered ability to express yourself may result in feelings of isolation or a decrease in confidence when speaking, compared to how you used to communicate.

4.You’re dissatisfied with your smile is causing several psychosocial effects, including decreased self- esteem, social anxiety, and a diminished overall quality of life.

5.You are experiencing an uncomfortable or dysfunctional bite, which may lead to issues such as chipped, broken, or excessively worn-down teeth.

6.You are not happy with the dentures you currently have.

Dental Implants

Treatment Procedure

Our expert team and advanced procedures ensure a comfortable and precise treatment process. Regain your confidence and enjoy the benefits of a natural-looking smile with dental implants.”

To ensure the success of a dental implant procedure, it is important to have an adequate amount of jaw bone, as the implant fixture requires a strong foundation for support.In certain cases, additional procedures may be necessary to prepare for the implant placement, such as gum or bone grafts, sinus lifts, or the use of stents to guide the implant placement. Following these supplementary procedures, it may take up to 6 months for complete healing to occur. Your dentist will discuss these options with you thoroughly during the planning stage if they are determined to be necessary. 

Dental Implants

Why choose White 32 for your dental implant procedure?

Close collaboration with high -tech dental lab which provides good quality and perfect fitting

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Years Of Experience
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