What are retainers ?

Retainers are custom made devices that you wear over your teeth to retain the position of your teeth after braces . Is it recommended that you wear your retainers at night when you go to sleep .

Types of retainers :

1. Removable Hawley Wire Retainers


  1. Last a long time.
  2. Can be tightened or repaired.
  3. . Allow the bite to “settle” into a more comfortable position over time.


  1. . Do not cover the biting surface of the teeth, so do not protect against grinding.
  2. Allow slight movement of the teeth.
  3. Are more expensive to replace.
  4. More noticeable visually as the the metal wire can be seen.
  5. Bulky coverage of the palate is bothersome to some patients.
  6. Can be lost or broken.
Types of retainers :

2. Removable Clear Plastic Retainers


  1. Hold the teeth in the exact position there were moved to .
  2. Protects the teeth against wear from grinding.
  3. Almost invisible.
  4. If slight movement occurs, wearing them full time can help move the teeth back into the proper position.


  1. Don’t last as long at the other retainers .
  2. Are easy to lose because they are so clear.
Types of retainers :

3. Bonded Permanent Retainers


  1. Can last for many years if properly maintained .
  2. Can’t be lost as they are permanently glued in.


  1. Are much more difficult to clean, brush and floss.
  2. Care must be taken not to eat things that are too hard.
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