Teeth Whitening

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental treatment that lightens the color of your teeth, enhancing the appearance of your smile. Teeth can become discolored over time due to aging, tobacco use, or consumption of certain foods and beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine. This treatment utilizes whitening agents, like hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, to break down protein in the teeth and restore the natural whiteness of teeth. It can be done in a dental clinic for immediate results or at home with custom trays for a more gradual improvement. Under the supervision of a dental professional, teeth whitening is safe, effective, and greatly improves the aesthetics of your smile.

Teeth Whitening

What Does Teeth Whitening Involve?

Chairside Teeth Whitening

Chairside teeth whitening is a dental treatment performed by your dentist, which employs a strong concentration of whitening gel to quickly achieve exceptional results. This option is particularly advantageous if you require immediate whitening results. Our dentists will evaluate if you are suitable for a teeth whitening procedure . If you have severe teeth sensitivity and large front teeth fillings , you might not be a suitable candidate for teeth whitening.

Procedure :

  1. It is recommened that scaling and polishing is done before teeth whitening procedure
  2. If a low concentration whitening gel is used , No gingiva barrier is required . Blancone click whitening can be done in just 10 minutes and can show a visible result
  3. If a high concentration whitening gel is used , a gingival barrier is required . Blancone ultra plus is a quick action whitening system , which requires only 8 minutes per cycle . We generally do 2-4 cycles of ultra whitening .
  4. Once the whitening process is done, the gel and rinsed off and polishing is done with a desensitizing agent . You are all set with a whiter smile !
Teeth Whitening :

Recommendations after teeth whitening :

Don’t consume any colored food like coffee , tea , curry , wine , and soy sauce for the next 3 days after teeth whitening because your teeth is more prone to take up stains from these food .

Home-Based Teeth Whitening Treatment

Home-based teeth whitening entails following instructions to apply whitening gel into customized trays that are specifically designed for your mouth. These trays are then placed onto your teeth. The gels used in home-based whitening have lower concentrations compared to chairside teeth whitening.

The duration of treatment typically ranges from 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the nature and severity of tooth discoloration. For particularly stubborn and intrinsic stains, it may take up to 6 months to see results. In some cases, chairside and home-based teeth whitening may be combined to achieve improved and long-lasting outcomes.

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