Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom Tooth Removal

What is Wisdom Tooth Removal?

The wisdom teeth also referred to as the third molars, are the final set of teeth located at the back of your mouth. Unlike your other teeth, they typically erupt later in life, usually between the ages of 18 to 24. Most adults have a total of four wisdom teeth, with two positioned at the top and two at the bottom.

What is Wisdom Tooth Surgery?

In certain cases, wisdom teeth can emerge in a manner that impacts the surrounding teeth or gums. If there is insufficient space for them to fully erupt, they may become lodged in the jaw, leading to oral complications. When wisdom teeth are positioned in hard-to-reach areas during brushing, it is likely that food particles become trapped, contributing to the formation of plaque and the growth of bacteria. This can result in tooth decay. Our dentists may advise the extraction of impacted wisdom teeth, even if they are not currently causing pain or discomfort. This recommendation is made to prevent potential oral health issues in the future.

Wisdom Tooth Removal

Do I Need Wisdom Tooth Surgery?

If you experience the following symptoms, it may be necessary for you to undergo wisdom tooth surgery

The initial indication that your wisdom teeth are erupting is the presence of tenderness or discomfort in the back of your mouth. This discomfort can occur on either side or just one side. If you can envision the sensation of adult teething, it accurately depicts what you may feel. Additionally, you may observe swollen gums.

When your wisdom teeth emerge, they have the potential to exert pressure on your adjacent teeth, leading to their displacement. Consequently, this pressure can result in discomfort within your jaw, manifesting as stiffness, soreness, and a challenge in opening your mouth. Additionally, this can cause swelling in either the gum at the back of your mouth or on the side of your jaw.

If your wisdom teeth are impacted and unable to emerge fully, they may entrap food and bacteria, resulting in gum inflammation, injury to surrounding teeth, and a potential bacterial infection that can give rise to halitosis or bad breath.

When an infection or tooth decay occurs in your wisdom teeth, it can lead to a persistent unpleasant taste. It is important to note that taking preventive measures, such as having your wisdom teeth extracted, is a reliable solution for eliminating this issue, as prevention is always better than treatment.

The misalignment caused by your wisdom teeth can also pose challenges in the smooth opening and closing of your mouth.

Wisdom Tooth Removal

Treatment Procedure

Experience a seamless and comfortable wisdom tooth removal procedure with our skilled dental team. Trust us to safely extract problematic wisdom teeth, providing relief from pain and preventing future dental complications. Rest easy knowing you’re in excellent hands throughout your treatment.

A comprehensive evaluation of your overall health, along with the condition of your wisdom teeth and gums, will be conducted. This assessment may involve obtaining essential X-rays or CBCT scans to accurately determine the precise positioning of your wisdom teeth and the structures surrounding them.

Our dentist will take the time to thoroughly discuss the advantages and potential risks associated with the removal of your wisdom teeth. They will explain the procedure in detail and create a customized plan that addresses your specific complaint.

To ensure a painless experience, the area surrounding your wisdom tooth will be completely numbed using local anesthesia before the extraction procedure begins. The involvement of a minor surgical procedure will depend on the position of your wisdom tooth and the surrounding bone. In such cases, a small portion of the gum above the tooth will be lifted to gain access. To facilitate removal, the tooth may need to be divided into sections. You may experience sensations of pressure, vibrations, and hear cracking noises, but rest assured that you should not feel any pain during the procedure. After extraction, the area will be thoroughly sterilized, and the gums will be stitched back together

Following the completion of the procedure, it is important to provide proper care to ensure a successful recovery, which may take a few days. It is normal to experience minor bleeding from the wound, but this can be managed by firmly biting down on a piece of gauze. During the first three days after the procedure, you may notice some facial swelling .To alleviate swelling, you can apply ice packs to your face. To prevent post-operative complications, your healthcare provider may prescribe painkillers, antibiotics, and an antiseptic mouthwash. To minimize the risk of complications, it is essential to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing. Additionally, avoid vigorous rinsing, consume soft foods, refrain from smoking and alcohol, and avoid strenuous activities for at least a few days after the procedure

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